During the month of October, the LWV of Stamford worked with the Rose Company properties, Shippan Place and Metro Green Terrace and Residential, to engage residents in the upcoming election. Through a generous grant by the Rose Company and League of Women Voters US Educational Fund, the LWV of Stamford conducted 3 voter registration drives, and assisted with the organization of a Candidate Forum at Shippan Place.
At each event, volunteers of the LWV of Stamford helped around 40 residents register in CT for the first time, submit change of address forms, and/or request absentee ballots. We also educated over 100 residents on voter id requirements, accommodations for voters with disabilities, polling location, what positions are up for election and where to find our voters guide.
Thank you to all residents who came out and met with us! We’ll be back in the new year with forums at all locations for residents to meet and talk with their local representatives.