Q1: How do I know if I’m registered to vote or not?
Q2: What is the criteria to be able to vote in CT?
Q3: When can a teenager register to vote?
Q4: What documentation will I need to register to vote? Do I need a CT Driver License?
Q5: How do I register to vote?
Q6: If I am away at college, do I vote in my home state or where my college is located?
Q7: What is the deadline to register to vote?
Q8: Can I register to vote and vote on the same day? Q9: Is my voter registration permanent? Or do I have to re-register each year? Q10: If I register to vote, does that mean I will be called for jury duty? A1: Check your voter registration status here: Voter Registration Lookup Tool A2: To participate in the general election in CT, you must be a U.S. Citizen, resident of Connecticut, and 18 by Nov. 3, 2020. Click here for more details: Voter Eligibility If you are a convicted felon who has completed confinement and parole, click here to learn about restoration of your voting rights:
The Ultimate Freedom A3: If you will turn 18 by Nov. 3rd, you can register to vote up until 11:59pm on October 27th by mail or online. You can also register on November 3rd at Government Center through Election Day Registration. If you are 17 but don’t turn 18 by November 3rd, wait until after the Election to register by mail or online. A4: If you have a DMV-issued ID, you can register online. Otherwise, you can complete the mail-in application using the last 4 digits of your social security number. See details below ⬇ A5: You can register online, by mail, or in person.
A6: Your choice! If you are a college student living away from home, you may choose to vote by absentee ballot for the election in your home town, or you can register to vote in your college town. BUT, you cannot be registered and vote in two places, so you have to choose.
A7: You can register up to 7 days before an Election or up to noon the day before a Primary. So, for the election this November 3rd, you must have completed registering online or your registration form must have been postmarked on or before October 27. However, the State of Connecticut also offers in-person Election Day Registration (EDR) during general elections.
A8: Yes! Connecticut does offer Election Day Registration (EDR) during general elections only. The EDR location for Stamford is Government Center, 888 Washington Blvd. You can register and vote there. Be prepared for long lines, so don’t wait until last minute. You need to be registered by 8 PM. If you are still in the registration line at 8pm, you will not be able to register and vote in this election.
A9: Once you register, you don’t need to register again unless you move to a different address, change your name, or change your party affiliation.
A10: Not necessarily. Voter registration lists, along with DMV records, state income tax payers and unemployment compensation filings are all used to identify potential jurors in Connecticut.
©League of Women Voters of Stamford
Last edited October 17, 2020