Your Stamford Polling Place May Have Changed

Published in the Stamford Advocate

August 3, 2022

To the editor,

Questions for Stamford voters …

No. 1: Did you receive your post card notification from the City of Stamford for your polling location for the Aug. 9 primary — either green (registered Republican) or yellow (registered Democrats)?

No. 2: Did you read it carefully?

We did and were astonished to read that we were not in our regular District 17 but were now in District 15. It was our same location (Springdale Elementary School) but now it was District 15? Other friends and Springdale neighbors found that their poll locations changed from Davenport Elementary School to Scofield Middle School or Northeast Elementary. Friends living in all sections of Stamford had already recycled the post cards without realizing that their poll locations changed for the State of Connecticut primary elections.

As members of the Stamford League of Women Voters we felt we were knowledgeable about election procedures in the city. It took several days before the City of Stamford updated their website to include a link to finding voters’ poll locations when you select “State Poll District # ___, (click search now)): Find Your Voting Location | Stamford, CT (

Stamford voters, Republicans and Democrats, should be aware of the redrawn district lines which impact many voters for our representatives for the State of Connecticut. According to a report in June 2022 from the Stamford registrar of voters, 42 percent of voters in Stamford will have a different voting location in 2022 due to the mandatory redistricting in the state from the 2020 Census. For example, portions of the Springdale section of Stamford are now part of the newly redistricted 26th Senate District and/or the 125th House of Representatives District.

All Stamford voters should check their poll location post cards whether they are Green (for registered Republicans) or Yellow (for registered Democrats) or check the link listed above or League of Women Voters website to avoid confusion for their correct poll locations for the Aug. 9 primary.

Lewis Finkel and Laurie Chase are Steering Committee members of the Stamford League of Women Voters.