Statement Regarding an Issue with the Board of Education Responses

October 21, 2021

Last week it was brought to our attention that two candidates for the Board of Education had duplicate responses to our question about how the Board of Education would coordinate with other boards to renovate or rebuild our schools. To be clear about the Voter’s Guide process, candidates receive log-in credentials to their individual page on the website and enter their own answers. This way voters can hear directly from the candidates. The League of Women Voters of Stamford does not edit responses. 

However, upon learning of the issue we contacted both candidates as the League expects each candidate to answer our questions both individually and originally. Versha Munshi-South responded,  “I did not work on this response with Jackie.  When I posted my response on the website, none of the other candidates had submitted responses.” Jaclyn Annette Pioli responded that her duplication of the response was in error.   “When I copied the questions from the main website page on my cell phone.  I believe at the time Versha may have been the only one that completed the answers. It’s my fault and I apologize. It was done by accident yesterday as I was trying to meet the 10/12 deadline.  I did not intend to copy Versha’s work.”

Ms. Pioli has since entered her individual and original response to the question. We consider this issue resolved. This statement is to ensure transparency for ourselves and the candidates as questions about this issue have come up in recent days. 

The League of Women Voters of Stamford would like to thank all candidates for taking the time to respond to our Voter’s Guide questionnaire which can be found at



Kristine Goldhawk